Enrichment and Academic Support - St Mary's Girls' School

Enrichment and Support

Academic Enrichment

Beginning in Year 9, select students are invited to participate in our Gifted and Talented Program. All Year 9 students in the program take an additional subject, known as Future Problem Solving, which is aligned with the internationally renowned Future Problem Solving initiative, where students learn advanced problem-solving strategies and the keys to collaboration, critical and creative thinking, and effective communication.

Dedicated extension classes in Humanities and Social Sciences, English, Mathematics and Science are run by subject-specific Gifted and Talented Co-ordinators.

Our gifted and talented students are also invited to participate in a wide range of academic competitions and enrichment opportunities.

Learning Support Program

From Year 7, students who require additional learning assistance can access our Learning Support Program.

In Years 7 and 8, students requiring additional literacy support will be invited to participate in our Language and Literacy course. This course aims to consolidate and build on foundational English skills via the exploration of foreign cultures and experiences.

Literacy support continues into Years 9 and 10, with support sessions run by specialist teachers during the school day.

Our Numeracy Support Program assists students who require additional help with their mathematical skills and reasoning. Participants attend extra lessons so that they feel empowered in their mainstream mathematics classes. A dedicated Numeracy Support Co-ordinator conducts diagnostic testing to measure students’ progress and transitions girls in and out of the program based on their needs.

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St Mary’s is all about girls discovering their best. We want our students to be engrossed in the exploration of ideas, to be self-motivated and self-directed, to delight in trying something new and to contribute positively to the community.