Our Identity and School History
Identity and Motto
Our crest includes three fleur de lis, a symbol of Christian faith. Our motto is Fideliter, which is a Latin word meaning faithfully.
A competition to decide St Mary’s colours, motto and crest was held in the first term of 1921. It was won by Isabel Greig, who was awarded ten shillings and sixpence. Isabel chose maroon and royal blue, with three white fleur de lis on a gold shield and a royal blue bar, and Fideliter as the School’s motto.
The editorial of the 1926 Almerta, St Mary’s annual Year Book, included the following poem about the School motto.
Our Motto is Fideliter

From ‘Faithfullness’ we never err;
Faithful to lend a helping hand,
And never sit while elders stand;
Faithful to home, and school, and work,
Faithful to serve, and not to shirk,
Faithful just to ‘Play the Game’,
And if we lose – smile all the same.
In 2021, Paul Jarman, an Australian multi instrumentalist, composer and choir director, who has written more than 100 local and international school anthems, as well as 300-plus commissioned works, spent two weeks on campus sharing his musical expertise with our Junior and Senior School girls, all the while compiling research to write a piece honouring St Mary’s Centenary. The Centenary song, Fideliter is now performed at the start of each school year.
Our timeline
St Mary's Foundation
Our Founder
The School Badge and Motto
School Hymn and Prayer
Miss Ethel Dannatt - Headmistress 1923 – 1937
Old Girls' Association
St Mary's Foundation
The Church of England Girls' School, St Mary's West Perth, was founded on 14 September 1921 at 40 Colin Street, West Perth, when Miss Gouly's Girls' Grammar School and Miss Hilfirty's Alexandra High School merged. Ninety-eight students were present on that first day.
The School Badge and Motto
Ten-year-old student, Isabel Greig, won a competition to design the School badge - a shield with royal blue bar and three gold fleur-de-lis - and choose the School colours - chocolate and royal blue - and School motto - Fideliter, meaning faithfully.
School Hymn and Prayer
The School hymn, Rise in the Strength of God, and School prayer have been used at St Mary's since 1921. The School prayer is attributed to St Mary's first Principal, Bishop CL Riley and the hymn was written by Ada Rundall Greenaway.
Miss Ethel Dannatt - Headmistress 1923 – 1937
Miss Ethel H Dannatt was St Mary's first Headmistress. She greatly influenced the early development of the School and is remembered in the naming of Dannatt Hall and the Dannatt Bursary.
St Mary's annual magazine, Almerta, was written by students and was published for the first time in 1925. The name Almerta was taken from an Aboriginal word meaning 'very good'. Sadly, Almerta was not produced in some years (1932, 1937) and ceased production altogether between 1939 and 1967, save for a one year year revival in 1954. Almerta was reintroduced in 1968 and has been printed annually ever since.
St Mary's Foundation
St Mary's Foundation
The Church of England Girls' School, St Mary's West Perth, was founded on 14 September 1921 at 40 Colin Street, West Perth, when Miss Gouly's Girls' Grammar School and Miss Hilfirty's Alexandra High School merged. Ninety-eight students were present on that first day.
Our Founder
The School Badge and Motto
The School Badge and Motto
Ten-year-old student, Isabel Greig, won a competition to design the School badge - a shield with royal blue bar and three gold fleur-de-lis - and choose the School colours - chocolate and royal blue - and School motto - Fideliter, meaning faithfully.
School Hymn and Prayer
School Hymn and Prayer
The School hymn, Rise in the Strength of God, and School prayer have been used at St Mary's since 1921. The School prayer is attributed to St Mary's first Principal, Bishop CL Riley and the hymn was written by Ada Rundall Greenaway.
Miss Ethel Dannatt - Headmistress 1923 – 1937
Miss Ethel Dannatt - Headmistress 1923 – 1937
Miss Ethel H Dannatt was St Mary's first Headmistress. She greatly influenced the early development of the School and is remembered in the naming of Dannatt Hall and the Dannatt Bursary.
St Mary's annual magazine, Almerta, was written by students and was published for the first time in 1925. The name Almerta was taken from an Aboriginal word meaning 'very good'. Sadly, Almerta was not produced in some years (1932, 1937) and ceased production altogether between 1939 and 1967, save for a one year year revival in 1954. Almerta was reintroduced in 1968 and has been printed annually ever since.
Old Girls' Association
Junior School Expansion
Miss Katherine Carter MBE - Headmistress 1938 – 1940
The House System
The original school uniform was navy blue but, in 1934, the uniform was changed to maroon to ensure that St Mary's girls were distinguishable from students at other schools.
Junior School Expansion
An additional St Mary's Junior School was established at St Margaret's Hall, Tyrell Street, Nedlands, with Miss Doris McQuie in charge. Boys and girls were enrolled from age three to eight, in anticipation that girls would progress to St Mary's at Colin Street for further schooling.
Miss Katherine Carter MBE - Headmistress 1938 – 1940
Miss Carter became St Mary's second Principal in 1938. During her three years at St Mary's, she introduced the House system and typing and bookkeeping courses, as well as instigating a parents' association.
The House System
The House System was introduced by Headmistress, Miss Carter, to "afford more competition not only in sports but also in school work." The House names were taken from Aboriginal words – Milpera meaning 'company', Killara meaning 'always there', and Thuruna meaning 'together'. The Houses were later renamed.
The original school uniform was navy blue but, in 1934, the uniform was changed to maroon to ensure that St Mary's girls were distinguishable from students at other schools.
Junior School Expansion
Junior School Expansion
An additional St Mary's Junior School was established at St Margaret's Hall, Tyrell Street, Nedlands, with Miss Doris McQuie in charge. Boys and girls were enrolled from age three to eight, in anticipation that girls would progress to St Mary's at Colin Street for further schooling.
Miss Katherine Carter MBE - Headmistress 1938 – 1940
Miss Katherine Carter MBE - Headmistress 1938 – 1940
Miss Carter became St Mary's second Principal in 1938. During her three years at St Mary's, she introduced the House system and typing and bookkeeping courses, as well as instigating a parents' association.
The House System
The House System
The House System was introduced by Headmistress, Miss Carter, to "afford more competition not only in sports but also in school work." The House names were taken from Aboriginal words – Milpera meaning 'company', Killara meaning 'always there', and Thuruna meaning 'together'. The Houses were later renamed.
Miss Beryl Hamilton - Headmistress 1940 – 1944
Hackett, Riley and Wittenoom Houses
Mrs Elizabeth Myles - Headmistress 1944 – 1956
Boarding Facilities
Hackett, Riley and Wittenoom Houses
The School Houses were renamed to acknowledge significant West Australians who had contributed to the establishment of the School: Sir John Winthrop Hackett, Bishop Charles Lawrence Riley and Mr Frederick (Frank) Francis Burdett Wittenoom.
Boarding Facilities
Some St Mary's girls had boarded with Miss Tothill during the 1930s but it was after the war that Mrs Myles established more formalised boarding. After arranging boarding at 22 Kingsway, Nedlands, in the late 1940s Mrs Myles, on her own initiative, provided boarding facilities in the streets around the School. In 1950, the Board took over, and organised three boarding premises in houses fronting Colin Street, Emerald Terrace and Ord Street, West Perth.
Miss Beryl Hamilton - Headmistress 1940 – 1944
Hackett, Riley and Wittenoom Houses
Hackett, Riley and Wittenoom Houses
The School Houses were renamed to acknowledge significant West Australians who had contributed to the establishment of the School: Sir John Winthrop Hackett, Bishop Charles Lawrence Riley and Mr Frederick (Frank) Francis Burdett Wittenoom.
Mrs Elizabeth Myles - Headmistress 1944 – 1956
Boarding Facilities
Boarding Facilities
Some St Mary's girls had boarded with Miss Tothill during the 1930s but it was after the war that Mrs Myles established more formalised boarding. After arranging boarding at 22 Kingsway, Nedlands, in the late 1940s Mrs Myles, on her own initiative, provided boarding facilities in the streets around the School. In 1950, the Board took over, and organised three boarding premises in houses fronting Colin Street, Emerald Terrace and Ord Street, West Perth.
The Queen's Visit
Mrs Theresa Macdonald MBE - Principal 1957 – 1965
Tuck Shop
The Queen's Visit
St Mary's students lined the route for the Queen's visit to Perth on 29 March 1954.
Mrs Theresa Macdonald MBE - Principal 1957 – 1965
Mrs Macdonald became Principal in 1957 and, during her time at the helm, the momentous decision was made to move St Mary's from West Perth to Karrinyup. Mrs Macdonald is remembered in the naming of the Macdonald Library in the Junior School and Macdonald Wing of the boarding house.
Tuck Shop
At the instigation of Mrs Macdonald, the first school tuck shop was opened, run by some of the mothers. They later began a uniform clothing exchange. Out of this group of school volunteers, the Ladies' Auxiliary (now the St Mary's Auxiliary) was born.
St Mary's leased 'Craigmore', an enormous house with extensive gardens on Kings Park Road, West Perth. The house and grounds provided Junior School classrooms, boarding accommodation, tennis courts and a gym.
The Queen's Visit
The Queen's Visit
St Mary's students lined the route for the Queen's visit to Perth on 29 March 1954.
Mrs Theresa Macdonald MBE - Principal 1957 – 1965
Mrs Theresa Macdonald MBE - Principal 1957 – 1965
Mrs Macdonald became Principal in 1957 and, during her time at the helm, the momentous decision was made to move St Mary's from West Perth to Karrinyup. Mrs Macdonald is remembered in the naming of the Macdonald Library in the Junior School and Macdonald Wing of the boarding house.
Tuck Shop
Tuck Shop
At the instigation of Mrs Macdonald, the first school tuck shop was opened, run by some of the mothers. They later began a uniform clothing exchange. Out of this group of school volunteers, the Ladies' Auxiliary (now the St Mary's Auxiliary) was born.
St Mary's leased 'Craigmore', an enormous house with extensive gardens on Kings Park Road, West Perth. The house and grounds provided Junior School classrooms, boarding accommodation, tennis courts and a gym.
A Diocesan School
A Place to Grow
Foundation Stone Laid at Karrinyup
Mrs Anne Symington - Headmistress 1966 – 1982
A New Beginning at Karrinyup
A Diocesan School
St Mary's became a diocesan school, rather than a parish school, managed by the St Mary's Church West Perth Parish.
The Fidelitas magazine was first published by the Parents' Society as a means of communication from the School to parents. Now known as Fideliter, the magazine is published bi-annually by the School.
A Place to Grow
St Mary's launched a fundraising campaign, 'A Place to Grow', to move St Mary's from cramped conditions in Colin Street, West Perth, to Karrinyup. £58,000 was raised in one year, enough to commence the ambitious building programme devised by architect, Miss Margaret Feilman.
Foundation Stone Laid at Karrinyup
A foundation stone for the new school was laid at Karrinyup by The Honourable David Brand (Premier of Western Australia) and in the presence of the School's Founder, Bishop CL Riley and the Chair or the Board, Mr Peter Atkins.
Mrs Anne Symington - Headmistress 1966 – 1982
Mrs Symington (Paton '33) was appointed Headmistress in 1966 and, under her leadership, St Mary's operated in both West Perth and Karrinyup until 1970, when the whole school finally moved to Karrinyup. The boarding house, Anne Symington House, is named in her honour.
A New Beginning at Karrinyup
Classes commenced at the Karrinyup campus but also continued at Colin Street, West Perth, with the school running two campuses and a system of buses and taxis to transport students. The Junior School did not move to Karrinyup until 1969 and was initially located in what is now part of the Senior School mathematics centre.
A Diocesan School
A Diocesan School
St Mary's became a diocesan school, rather than a parish school, managed by the St Mary's Church West Perth Parish.
The Fidelitas magazine was first published by the Parents' Society as a means of communication from the School to parents. Now known as Fideliter, the magazine is published bi-annually by the School.
A Place to Grow
A Place to Grow
St Mary's launched a fundraising campaign, 'A Place to Grow', to move St Mary's from cramped conditions in Colin Street, West Perth, to Karrinyup. £58,000 was raised in one year, enough to commence the ambitious building programme devised by architect, Miss Margaret Feilman.
Foundation Stone Laid at Karrinyup
Foundation Stone Laid at Karrinyup
A foundation stone for the new school was laid at Karrinyup by The Honourable David Brand (Premier of Western Australia) and in the presence of the School's Founder, Bishop CL Riley and the Chair or the Board, Mr Peter Atkins.
Mrs Anne Symington - Headmistress 1966 – 1982
Mrs Anne Symington - Headmistress 1966 – 1982
Mrs Symington (Paton '33) was appointed Headmistress in 1966 and, under her leadership, St Mary's operated in both West Perth and Karrinyup until 1970, when the whole school finally moved to Karrinyup. The boarding house, Anne Symington House, is named in her honour.
A New Beginning at Karrinyup
A New Beginning at Karrinyup
Classes commenced at the Karrinyup campus but also continued at Colin Street, West Perth, with the school running two campuses and a system of buses and taxis to transport students. The Junior School did not move to Karrinyup until 1969 and was initially located in what is now part of the Senior School mathematics centre.
A New Home for Boarders
Wardle House
St Mary's Golden Jubilee
St Mary's Win Interschool Athletics
A Library at Last
Dannatt Hall
A New Home for Boarders
The new three-storey boarding house at Karrinyup was completed and 240 boarders moved in. The names of the boarding houses in West Perth were given to the four wings - Dannatt, Hamilton, Mitchell and Tothill - with the two other wings named Myles and Macdonald. The boarding house was named Anne Symington House in 1986.
Wardle House
Due to the increasing number of students at St Mary's, another House was established. It was named Wardle after past parent and generous benefactor, Sir Thomas Wardle.
St Mary's Golden Jubilee
The School's 50th birthday was a day of festivities including a whole-school picnic lunch and the cutting of a magnificent cake made by students. A Jubilee Thanksgiving Evensong at St George's Cathedral was attended by over 1000 students, staff and friends of St Mary's.
St Mary's Win Interschool Athletics
St Mary's won the Interschool Athletics Carnival. It was 46 years before our next win!
A Library at Last
St Mary's first purpose-built library, comprising an audio-visual room, a seminar room and a mothers' workroom, was opened by the Federal Minister for Education, Mr Kim Beazley Snr.
Dannatt Hall
A new multi-purpose hall was opened and named Dannatt Hall, after St Mary's first Headmistress, Miss Ethel Dannatt.
A New Home for Boarders
A New Home for Boarders
The new three-storey boarding house at Karrinyup was completed and 240 boarders moved in. The names of the boarding houses in West Perth were given to the four wings - Dannatt, Hamilton, Mitchell and Tothill - with the two other wings named Myles and Macdonald. The boarding house was named Anne Symington House in 1986.
Wardle House
Wardle House
Due to the increasing number of students at St Mary's, another House was established. It was named Wardle after past parent and generous benefactor, Sir Thomas Wardle.
St Mary's Golden Jubilee
St Mary's Golden Jubilee
The School's 50th birthday was a day of festivities including a whole-school picnic lunch and the cutting of a magnificent cake made by students. A Jubilee Thanksgiving Evensong at St George's Cathedral was attended by over 1000 students, staff and friends of St Mary's.
St Mary's Win Interschool Athletics
St Mary's Win Interschool Athletics
St Mary's won the Interschool Athletics Carnival. It was 46 years before our next win!
A Library at Last
A Library at Last
St Mary's first purpose-built library, comprising an audio-visual room, a seminar room and a mothers' workroom, was opened by the Federal Minister for Education, Mr Kim Beazley Snr.
Dannatt Hall
Dannatt Hall
A new multi-purpose hall was opened and named Dannatt Hall, after St Mary's first Headmistress, Miss Ethel Dannatt.
Craig House and Lefroy House
A New Name for our School
Chapel of St Mary
Mrs Audrey Jackson AM - Principal 1983 – 1997
Interschool Swimming Champions
A New Creative Space
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School Foundation
Craig House and Lefroy House
Two new Houses, Craig and Lefroy, were established. Craig was named after Mrs Frances Eileen Craig MBE, who was a member of the St Mary's Board of Governors 1954 to 1958, and Lefroy was named after the Lefroy family, particularly Mr John Henry Maxwell (known as Maxwell) Lefroy, who was a foundation member of the St Mary's Board of Governors and Sir Anthony Langlois Bruce Lefroy.
A New Name for our School
St Mary's Church of England Girls' School was renamed St Mary's Anglican Girls' School, in keeping with the renaming in Australia of the Church of England to the Anglican Church of Australia.
Chapel of St Mary
The Chapel of St Mary was dedicated and consecrated by the Archbishop of Perth, The Most Reverend Dr Peter F. Carnley. The building design incorporated features from the original St Mary's Church, West Perth.
Mrs Audrey Jackson AM - Principal 1983 – 1997
Mrs Jackson was appointed Principal and continued the development of many facilities around the School, including a new Junior School which opened in 1993. The Audrey Jackson Learning Technologies Centre was named in her honour in 1999.
Interschool Swimming Champions
St Mary's won the Interschool Swimming Carnival for the first time and went on to dominate, winning the title for the next six consecutive years.
A New Creative Space
A new and spacious Art, Music and Drama Centre was opened and the first day-long Interhouse Music/Art Festival was held.
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School Foundation
The St Mary's Anglican Girls' School Foundation was established, with the motto 'from strength to strength', to secure the long-term future of the School and support its capital development. Over $1million was raised within the year.
Craig House and Lefroy House
Craig House and Lefroy House
Two new Houses, Craig and Lefroy, were established. Craig was named after Mrs Frances Eileen Craig MBE, who was a member of the St Mary's Board of Governors 1954 to 1958, and Lefroy was named after the Lefroy family, particularly Mr John Henry Maxwell (known as Maxwell) Lefroy, who was a foundation member of the St Mary's Board of Governors and Sir Anthony Langlois Bruce Lefroy.
A New Name for our School
A New Name for our School
St Mary's Church of England Girls' School was renamed St Mary's Anglican Girls' School, in keeping with the renaming in Australia of the Church of England to the Anglican Church of Australia.
Chapel of St Mary
Chapel of St Mary
The Chapel of St Mary was dedicated and consecrated by the Archbishop of Perth, The Most Reverend Dr Peter F. Carnley. The building design incorporated features from the original St Mary's Church, West Perth.
Mrs Audrey Jackson AM - Principal 1983 – 1997
Mrs Audrey Jackson AM - Principal 1983 – 1997
Mrs Jackson was appointed Principal and continued the development of many facilities around the School, including a new Junior School which opened in 1993. The Audrey Jackson Learning Technologies Centre was named in her honour in 1999.
Interschool Swimming Champions
Interschool Swimming Champions
St Mary's won the Interschool Swimming Carnival for the first time and went on to dominate, winning the title for the next six consecutive years.
A New Creative Space
A New Creative Space
A new and spacious Art, Music and Drama Centre was opened and the first day-long Interhouse Music/Art Festival was held.
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School Foundation
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School Foundation
The St Mary's Anglican Girls' School Foundation was established, with the motto 'from strength to strength', to secure the long-term future of the School and support its capital development. Over $1million was raised within the year.
Marine Science
New Junior School Building
Reverend Joyce Polson OAM Retires
Audrey Jackson Learning Technologies Centre
Mrs Lynne Thomson - Principal 1997 – 2018
International Exchange Experience
Marine Science
St Mary's was one of the first schools in Australia to introduce Marine Science into the School curriculum and is still one of only a small number of Australian schools to offer the Master Diving programme.
New Junior School Building
A separate, specifically designed Junior School building was opened.
Audrey Jackson Learning Technologies Centre
Computers had first arrived at St Mary's in 1983 and, in 1996, a Learning Technologies Centre was opened, thanks to funds raised through the 75th Birthday Fundraising Appeal. In 1999, the Centre was named after Mrs Audrey Jackson (Principal 1983–1997).
Mrs Lynne Thomson - Principal 1997 – 2018
Mrs Thomson became the ninth, and longest-serving, Principal of our School. She presided over the refurbishment and renovation of Anne Symington House and the opening of the Lady Wardle Performing Arts Centre and St Mary's at Metricup. She is remembered by the Lynne Thomson Overseas Study Scholarship.
International Exchange Experience
The Year 10 Exchange Programme was introduced, with the first student attending Westover School in the United States in the following year.
Marine Science
Marine Science
St Mary's was one of the first schools in Australia to introduce Marine Science into the School curriculum and is still one of only a small number of Australian schools to offer the Master Diving programme.
New Junior School Building
New Junior School Building
A separate, specifically designed Junior School building was opened.
Reverend Joyce Polson OAM Retires
Audrey Jackson Learning Technologies Centre
Audrey Jackson Learning Technologies Centre
Computers had first arrived at St Mary's in 1983 and, in 1996, a Learning Technologies Centre was opened, thanks to funds raised through the 75th Birthday Fundraising Appeal. In 1999, the Centre was named after Mrs Audrey Jackson (Principal 1983–1997).
Mrs Lynne Thomson - Principal 1997 – 2018
Mrs Lynne Thomson - Principal 1997 – 2018
Mrs Thomson became the ninth, and longest-serving, Principal of our School. She presided over the refurbishment and renovation of Anne Symington House and the opening of the Lady Wardle Performing Arts Centre and St Mary's at Metricup. She is remembered by the Lynne Thomson Overseas Study Scholarship.
International Exchange Experience
International Exchange Experience
The Year 10 Exchange Programme was introduced, with the first student attending Westover School in the United States in the following year.
Lady Wardle Performing Arts Centre
The Belvedere
Junior School Time Capsule
Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance
St Mary's at Metricup
The Belvedere
The Belvedere was once a striking feature on the roof of Craigmore, a grand house in West Perth which St Mary's had leased as a Junior School and boarding house between 1959 and 1965. Craigmore was demolished in 1967, but the Belvedere found its way to a family home in Peppermint Grove. It was donated to St Mary's in 2001.
Junior School Time Capsule
The Junior School buried a time capsule on St Mary's 80th birthday and it will be re-opened on the 14 September 2021 – our 100th birthday!
Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance
The Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance, named after benefactor Lady Treatt (Frankie Wilson '32, Head Girl), was opened.
The Old Girls' Association presented the School with a sculpture to celebrate the School's 85th birthday. Depicting a young girl who is ready to leave school and find her place in the world, the statue stands on stone from the font at St Mary's Church, West Perth.
St Mary's at Metricup
St Mary's at Metricup: The Lady Treatt Centre for Learning and Leadership was built with the support of the School community and the St Mary's Foundation. This outdoor education facility is named after Lady Treatt (Frankie Wilson '32, Head Girl) and is the largest of its kind for an all-girls school in Western Australia.
Lady Wardle Performing Arts Centre
The Belvedere
The Belvedere
The Belvedere was once a striking feature on the roof of Craigmore, a grand house in West Perth which St Mary's had leased as a Junior School and boarding house between 1959 and 1965. Craigmore was demolished in 1967, but the Belvedere found its way to a family home in Peppermint Grove. It was donated to St Mary's in 2001.
Junior School Time Capsule
Junior School Time Capsule
The Junior School buried a time capsule on St Mary's 80th birthday and it will be re-opened on the 14 September 2021 – our 100th birthday!
Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance
Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance
The Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance, named after benefactor Lady Treatt (Frankie Wilson '32, Head Girl), was opened.
The Old Girls' Association presented the School with a sculpture to celebrate the School's 85th birthday. Depicting a young girl who is ready to leave school and find her place in the world, the statue stands on stone from the font at St Mary's Church, West Perth.
St Mary's at Metricup
St Mary's at Metricup
St Mary's at Metricup: The Lady Treatt Centre for Learning and Leadership was built with the support of the School community and the St Mary's Foundation. This outdoor education facility is named after Lady Treatt (Frankie Wilson '32, Head Girl) and is the largest of its kind for an all-girls school in Western Australia.
Elizabeth Myles Library
Refurbishment of the Sir Thomas Wardle Swimming Pool Complex
Little Learners
Marlene Carter Heritage Centre
The Polson Room
A New Playground
Mrs Judith Tudball (Principal 2019 – Present)
Interschool Athletics Champions
Elizabeth Myles Library
A new state-of-the-art library was opened and named after former Headmistress, Mrs Elizabeth Myles (1944–1956).
Marlene Carter Heritage Centre
The Marlene Carter Heritage Centre was opened and dedicated by The Right Reverend Kate Wilmot, Bishop of Perth. It was named after Miss Marlene Carter ('63), former President of the Old Girls' Association and Chair of the St Mary's Foundation from 2018.
The Polson Room
The Polson Room was opened and named after Reverend Joyce Polson (Deaconess). It is a multi-purpose function room that caters for school events and student exams and meetings, and has a beautiful aspect out to the playing fields.
A New Playground
The Junior School opened a new adventure playground, thanks to funds raised at at the 95th Birthday Fair and support from the Foundation. It is named after Jane Gillon, a past Vice-Chair of the Board, past President of the Old Girls' Association, Honorary Life Member of the Parents Society and Honorary Member for Life of the School.
Mrs Judith Tudball (Principal 2019 – Present)
Mrs Tudball joined St Mary's as our tenth Principal and, in her first year, formally launched the St Mary's Masterplan 2019–2030; an exciting development of our School campus ensuring first-class facilities for our students into the 21st century.
Interschool Athletics Champions
St Mary's won the Interschool Athletics Carnivals for both Senior and Junior Schools in the same year. It was the first Senior School athletics win since 1972!
Elizabeth Myles Library
Elizabeth Myles Library
A new state-of-the-art library was opened and named after former Headmistress, Mrs Elizabeth Myles (1944–1956).
Refurbishment of the Sir Thomas Wardle Swimming Pool Complex
Little Learners
Marlene Carter Heritage Centre
Marlene Carter Heritage Centre
The Marlene Carter Heritage Centre was opened and dedicated by The Right Reverend Kate Wilmot, Bishop of Perth. It was named after Miss Marlene Carter ('63), former President of the Old Girls' Association and Chair of the St Mary's Foundation from 2018.
The Polson Room
The Polson Room
The Polson Room was opened and named after Reverend Joyce Polson (Deaconess). It is a multi-purpose function room that caters for school events and student exams and meetings, and has a beautiful aspect out to the playing fields.
A New Playground
A New Playground
The Junior School opened a new adventure playground, thanks to funds raised at at the 95th Birthday Fair and support from the Foundation. It is named after Jane Gillon, a past Vice-Chair of the Board, past President of the Old Girls' Association, Honorary Life Member of the Parents Society and Honorary Member for Life of the School.
Mrs Judith Tudball (Principal 2019 – Present)
Mrs Judith Tudball (Principal 2019 – Present)
Mrs Tudball joined St Mary's as our tenth Principal and, in her first year, formally launched the St Mary's Masterplan 2019–2030; an exciting development of our School campus ensuring first-class facilities for our students into the 21st century.
Interschool Athletics Champions
Interschool Athletics Champions
St Mary's won the Interschool Athletics Carnivals for both Senior and Junior Schools in the same year. It was the first Senior School athletics win since 1972!
Extension to the Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance
St Mary's Turns 100!
Creative Arts and Design Building
Reconciliation Action Plan
Extension to the Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance
2020 saw the completion of the extension to the Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance, with spacious new learning and rehearsal rooms, additional practice rooms and a beautiful first-floor dance studio overlooking Chapel Valley.
St Mary's Turns 100!
On the 14 September 2021, St Mary's celebrates its 100th birthday. Thanks to the dedication of so many members of our School community over the last century, St Mary's has continued to grow and develop into a leader in the education of girls.
Creative Arts and Design Building
The first day of Term 2, 2024, marked the beginning of a new era of creativity at St Mary’s as students stepped into the remarkable Creative Arts and Design Centre for the first time. This state-of-the-art, three-storey facility offers specialised and collaborative learning environments, multiple studios, gallery spaces and a cutting-edge media centre.
Reconciliation Action Plan
St Mary's launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), a blueprint for fostering meaningful and lasting connections with Indigenous Australians while further embedding the values of reconciliation into the fabric of our School community.
Extension to the Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance
Extension to the Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance
2020 saw the completion of the extension to the Lady Treatt Centre for Music and Dance, with spacious new learning and rehearsal rooms, additional practice rooms and a beautiful first-floor dance studio overlooking Chapel Valley.
St Mary's Turns 100!
St Mary's Turns 100!
On the 14 September 2021, St Mary's celebrates its 100th birthday. Thanks to the dedication of so many members of our School community over the last century, St Mary's has continued to grow and develop into a leader in the education of girls.
Creative Arts and Design Building
Creative Arts and Design Building
The first day of Term 2, 2024, marked the beginning of a new era of creativity at St Mary’s as students stepped into the remarkable Creative Arts and Design Centre for the first time. This state-of-the-art, three-storey facility offers specialised and collaborative learning environments, multiple studios, gallery spaces and a cutting-edge media centre.
Reconciliation Action Plan
Reconciliation Action Plan
St Mary's launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), a blueprint for fostering meaningful and lasting connections with Indigenous Australians while further embedding the values of reconciliation into the fabric of our School community.
The House system
The House system started at St Mary’s in 1938 with the formation of three Houses. Later Houses were added due to the expansion of the School from Colin St, West Perth to Elliott Road, Karrinyup, and the increase in student numbers. All the Houses were named after prominent Western Australian citizens who had been significant benefactors to the school, had shown leadership and service in the community, and were strong supporters of the Anglican Church.
Riley House
Riley House was named in 1940 after Bishop Charles Lawrence Riley CBE MA LLB DTh Cambridge 1888 to 1971. Bishop Riley was the founder of the School, being the St Mary’s Church West Perth parish priest who amalgamated the Girls’ Grammar School and the Alexandra High School to form St Mary’s Church of England Girls’ School as a parish school in the St Mary’s Church parish hall. He was the first Principal 1921 to 1923, and Chairman of the Board of Governors 1921 to 1930. He also taught Latin and Divinity. He was later President of the fundraising committee for St Mary’s move from West Perth to Karrinyup. The Riley House colour is dark blue.
Hackett House
Hackett House was named in 1940 after Sir John Winthrop Hackett KCMG BA MA Trinity 1848 to 1916. St Mary’s received an annual bequest of assistance from the estate of Sir John Hackett, which helped considerably with the early development of the school. The recognition of Sir John Hackett’s substantial contribution to the educational and cultural life of the State, most importantly helping to establish the University of Western Australia, the Battye Library and the Western Australian Museum, heavily influenced the decision to name a House after him. The Hackett House colour is yellow.
Wittenoom House
Wittenoom House was named in 1940 after Frederick (Frank) Francis Burdett Wittenoom 1855 to 1939. Frank Wittenoom was a pastoralist, traveller and adventurer – and also an influential member of the St Mary’s Church West Perth parish. He gave considerably to the early building needs of the school in West Perth and was largely responsible for the construction of classrooms over the summer of 1921 to 1922 and hall alterations. Wittenoom Hall, which housed our first Kindergarten, was named after him. The Wittenoom House colour is red.
Wardle House
Wardle House was named in 1970 after Sir Thomas Edward Wardle 1912 to 1997. Sir Thomas was the founder and owner of the ‘Tom the Cheap’ grocery stores, which became a large and profitable grocery and retail chain. He was Lord Mayor of Perth from 1967 to 1972 and was a prominent member of many boards and fundraising charities. His daughter, Diane, attended St Mary’s. Sir Thomas and his wife, Lady Wardle, were significant benefactors to the capital development of St Mary’s Karrinyup campus for many years. The Wardle House colour is green.
Craig House
Craig House was named in 1980 after Mrs Frances Eileen Craig MBE 1896 to 1974. Mrs Craig was an important member of St Mary’s Board of Governors from 1954 to 1958. She worked to renovate and improve the conditions of the boarding houses used by St Mary’s in West Perth. Her prominence and influence on many community boards and organisations, including the Country Women’s Association and the Save the Children Fund, helped Mrs Craig bring about great change and awareness of the needs of women and children in the community. Her husband, Leslie Craig, was a prominent farmer, businessman and politician, and was instrumental in relocating Hale School from West Perth to Wembley Downs. The Craig House colour is purple.
Lefroy House
Lefroy House was named in 1980 after the pioneering Lefroy family of Western Australia. St Mary’s has a strong association with many members of the family but celebrates two in particular: Mr John Henry Maxwell (Maxwell) Lefroy 1865 to 1936, and Sir Anthony Langlois Bruce Lefroy 1881 to 1958. Maxwell Lefroy was a great friend to the Rev’d C.L. Riley, being the Rector’s Warden of St Mary’s Church West Perth. He was also a member of the Board of Governors from 1921 to 1929. Sir Anthony Lefroy owned expanses of land in the Murchison and was a member of many government and community organisations, including The Red Cross Society and University of Western Australia. He was also a dedicated member of the St Mary’s Church West Perth parish. The Lefroy House colour is light blue.
Since 1921, the St Mary’s community have dedicated themselves to collecting and preserving the story and heritage of St Mary’s and its students.
Today, there is a vital and growing private archives collection housed in the Marlene Carter Heritage Centre and displayed throughout the School. The incorporation of the Collection into the daily life and curriculum of the School is regarded as essential in supporting the heritage of St Mary’s, and reinforcing the ideals and beliefs established by our founding community.
Engaging with our heritage
If you would like to visit the Marlene Carter Heritage Centre, take a heritage tour, or make a donation to our archives, please make an appointment with our School Archivist via (08) 9341 9113 or archives@stmarys.wa.edu.au