Your Enrolment Journey
St Mary’s offers enrolment opportunities for girls from Kindergarten to Year 11.
Our intake years are Kindergarten, Pre-primary, Year 4 and Year 7, and Years 7 to 11 for boarding students. Enrolment outside these intakes will be considered on an individual basis.
Offers are typically issued three years in advance of a student’s commencement year.
Offers for Kindergarten and Pre-primary are issued two years in advance of a student’s commencement year.
Entry Year Calculator
Select your child’s birth date below to calculate the year of school entry.
1. Enrolment enquiry
We welcome all enquiries about enrolment at St Mary’s. If you are looking for a place within the next three years, please complete the below enquiry form to confirm the availability of places. If you intend to enrol your daughter beyond 2027, please click the ‘apply now’ button below.

2. Visit St Mary’s
We offer a variety of tours that provide you an opportunity to experience life at St Mary’s and learn more about everything our wonderful school has to offer your daughter.
3. Application for enrolment
For our intake years, applications are processed in date order, with places first allocated to boarding students, siblings of current students and daughters of Old Girls.
As demand for places is extremely high, we encourage you to register your interest well in advance of your daughter’s expected entry year.
For parents enrolling their daughters for Kindergarten and Pre-primary, the date of application refers to the number of days since birth.
Applications for students from Years 1 to 11 are processed on the date of application.
The decision to offer a place is at the Principal’s absolute discretion.
Please note that enrolling your daughter at St Mary’s does not guarantee a place at the School.
What happens next?
4. Offer of place
Should a place become available for your daughter, you will receive a formal, written offer of enrolment from the School. Upon accepting your daughter’s place at St Mary’s, you will be asked to pay an endowment fee to the St Mary’s Foundation.
5. Interview
Your family will be invited to meet with our Principal or Head of Junior School, so that we can learn more about your daughter’s needs and educational aspirations.
6. Acceptance of place
Your daughter is formally accepted into St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School. As commencement nears, your daughter will be invited to attend an orientation event to meet with teachers and fellow students.
Are you considering Kindergarten or
Pre-primary options for 2025 and 2026? Enquire now.
Contact our Enrolments team at
or +61 (08) 9341 9121 for more information.
Additional Information
If you require more information, please feel free to review our Enrolment FAQ page or contact our enrolment team on (08) 9341 9121 or