Scholarship shapes international learning opportunities
POSTED March 18 2024 , News, Senior School
This week, our Senior School Careers Advisor, Jasmine Iasky, embarked on an international educative experience thanks to the support of St Mary’s Lynne Thomson Excellence in Education Scholarship.
Jasmine will begin her learning journey by attending the International Guidance Counsellors Conference at Cambridge University. She was one of just 50 worldwide delegates selected to attend this conference. During the conference, she will learn about the latest developments at Cambridge and how the prestigious institution’s student support services operate. She will also observe a mock entry interview and tour Cambridge’s colleges, sports facilities and University Library.

During her time in the United Kingdom and Europe, Jasmine will also attend a showcase day at Imperial College, tour Kings College, meet with the admission team at London School of Economics, attend the London College of Fashion Open Day, meet with the University of Oxford’s international admissions team and tour Science Po’s Menton campus in France and Bocconi University in Milan, Italy.
“This experience will help me to better advise and assist our students and parents about the latest in international courses, application processes and scholarships,” Jasmine said.
“I will also be attending St Mary’s London Reunion event with Principal Mrs Judith Tudball, which will allow me to connect with Old Girls who I have previously assisted in international application processes. I am looking forward to catching up with them and learning about their experiences to date.”